Protect Your Rights with a California Age Discrimination Lawyer
Have you experienced age discrimination at work? Mistreating a job applicant or employee because of their age violates the law. While federal laws only apply to workers over the age of 40, California state and city laws protect all workers from age discrimination.
If you experience age discrimination in the workplace, a California age discrimination lawyer can help.
Contact an age discrimination lawyer to protect your rights today.
Know Your Rights: What is Age Discrimination?
Age discrimination means treating someone unfavorably because of their age. It can include refusing to hire an older job applicant or firing someone because of their age.
It is illegal for an employer to make employment decisions based on your age.
Employers cannot make employment decisions based on your age instead on your skills or how well you do your job. This includes decisions about hiring, firing, discipline, distribution of benefits, promotion, compensation, job training, or any other condition of employment.
Young people can also be the victims of age discrimination.
While the federal ADEA only applies to workers over the age of 40, California state and city laws apply to workers of all ages. Age discrimination can occur even if the perpetrator is over 40 or the same age as the victim.
If you have been the victim of illegal age discrimination, you have protections under federal, state, and California City laws.
California age discrimination laws cover non-employees.
The law does not just protect “employees.” After October 11, 2019, California State’s discrimination laws expanded to cover non-employees, such as domestic workers, independent contractors, consultants, vendors, subcontractors, and persons providing services under a contract, where employers knew or should have known the discrimination was happening.